Saturday, December 6, 2008

"The Big 3 Automakers", "Green Acres" & "The Simple Life" Are All Fiction


It seems Americans want to believe in Fairy Tales or are expected to. With the Big Three Automakers arriving back on Capital Hill to close the deal for our money, we are expected to believe that in the 2 weeks that past they have had a complete change of lifestyle. They have given up the Private Jets, Expensive Lunches, Vacations & Retreats and now Car Pool in Hybrid Vehicles that are so stripped down in Comfort that they don't even have Hub Caps as they cost to much.greenacres1.gifThis is as believable as the story of "Green Acres". Oliver Douglas and his Socialite Wife trade their Park Avenue Apartment for life on a farm in the middle of nowhere. They give up all of the Comforts of Wealth. The Farm House they purchased doesn't even have a Telephone inside.simplelife.jpgOr perhaps we are to believe that Paris Hilton and Nichole Richie really gave up all the comforts of their lives to work as Farm Hands, Grocery Store Clerks, Plumbers or Sausage Grinders. Just because all of America doesn't have a Silver, Gold or Diamond Covered Spoon in their Mouth, we should not be Mocked or Treated as Stupid. Instead of asking the people that actually work for a living in this Country to pay for their lifestyles, why do we not see those Private Jets going up For Sale. Why should their houses be saved by our Tax Dollars, when Our Houses are being Foreclosed On because of thier Over Paid Lifestyles and Golden Parachutes.

Obamination in the ObamaNation / Wal-Mart Employee Killed by Black Friday Stampede!

The fact that a 34 year old Wal-Mart Employee was killed by a Stampede of Selfish Animals with no Morales or Value for Human Life is just unbelievable and unacceptable. They must have eaten lead paint as children and are now Brain Damaged. An Ipod or Laptop is not worth Killing for. Each and everyone of those involved are Guilty of Murder, may GOD have Mercy on their Souls. This is supposed to be the time of year when we help and recognize others, when our hearts are the most open to the care and needs of other humans. In reading more about this Long Island, New York Abomination I was even more surprised that when the Emergency Workers including Police arrived on the seen the Savage Animals wouldn’t even give them space to work and trampled them as well. At one point the Management of the Wal-Mart announced that a man had been Killed in the Stampede that injured a Pregnant Woman as well and even broke the Doors off their hinges and that all would have to leave the store. The Animals then Refused to leave, saying that they had been waiting to buy this or that, they continued to shop. Fearing a Riot the Employees Rang up their purchases. I Myself believe in full Punishment of these Savages. Any Items that they purchased that day are forever cursed with that Mans Death and Evil will come from those Items. In this Season of Joy and Giving, I ask all of you to take time to think of your fellow man.